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Why Math Lab Singapore

When math makes sense, kids leap way ahead – whether they started out far behind or already ahead in math. Our formula for teaching kids math, the Math Lab Method has transformed the way kids learn math for years in Malaysia.


Our specially trained math instructors will teach your child how to understand math in an individual setting – our unique approach enables us to effectively explain math concepts well and lend a helping hand to every student. Our tutors foster a caring, encouraging environment that helps kids thrive and learn!

We pinpoint your child’s learning needs, meet them where they are, and take them where they need to go.
We pinpoint your child’s learning needs, meet them where they are, and take them where they need to go.

Math Lab Singapore instructors use our unique assessment process to determine (with great accuracy) exactly what each child knows and what they need to learn. Next, we design a customized learning plan for teaching the concepts the student needs to master. It doesn’t stop there – our encouraging instructors continually check progress along the way to make sure kids truly understand and retain the concepts we’ve taught. The results are transformative – kids will see measurable changes in attitude, confidence, and school progress.

Why do children struggle with math?

Is it any wonder why you have to fight with them to do their homework? With many kids, it is easier for them to fight you and not do the work than to put the effort into it only to see failure again. After a while, it just doesn't seem worth the effort for them.

Have you ever watched a foreign film without subtitles? You can usually get a good idea of what is going on, but do you really understand the point of the movie? If a student is missing key foundation math skills, it makes it very difficult to keep up in class. They feel confused and frustrated...much the same way you felt while watching that movie and not understanding the language.

Most schools treat kids the same because it is assumed that all kids learn the same way and at the same rate. The teachers are expected to cover vast amounts of material in a short period of time, not to mention UPSR, PT3, SPM or other standardized testing. If your child doesn't get a chance to master a skill for whatever reason - that's too bad. Teachers must move quickly to stay "on schedule. As a result, we see too many kids fall behind in math..

What happens next? The class moves on! Here come multiplication facts, fractions, percentages, decimals, mixed numbers, exponents, ratios, x=?, divisibility rules, algebra, geometry, equations. It never slows down so your child can catch up! They feel overwhelmed, embarrassed, and all alone! They begin to expect and accept failure as the “new normal” and think I’m just not good in math! They lose all confidence in themselves and all of their other grades begin to suffer.

Can Math Lab Singapore help my child become a natural mathematical thinker?

To become great at things like sports, music, and art, you need to be born with natural ability. What does it feel like to be “a natural” at something? It's empowering. It develops self-confidence. It makes you feel special.

It's commonly believed that you need to be born “a natural" to become great at math. But at Math Lab Malaysia, we believe that virtually any child can become great at math. For many kids, math is something that doesn't come naturally, but they can be taught to think in the ways that the naturals do. When it comes to math, your child can feel empowered, self-confident, and special.

We teach our students to use efficient and reliable "schema"- organized ways of thinking - that are innate to the mathematically gifted among us. MathLab Malaysia instructors deliver excellent instruction that is driven by our top- notch curriculum materials. These materials are carefully selected for students to encounter when the appropriate prerequisite knowledge is in place. Through this process, our students develop strong mental math and written computational skills, along with the reasoning ability to know which skills serve them best in any given situation

Are You Doing One-On-One Tutoring?

Another great question! Our instructors are not just average math tutors. We have brilliant, engaging, inspiring math experts that work one on one with your child long enough to get them started and make sure they understand what to do. Then the instructor steps back and lets your child work independently to give them the time to process this new information without the pressure and stress of being watched. It also prevents a "learned helplessness” where the student feels that they need the instructor sitting in front of them all the time in order to be successful.

If this is what you want for your child -

It's easy to get started!

Our instructors quickly come back after a minute or two in order to make sure they are doing the problems correctly, give them encouragement, and praise them for their efforts! If the student needs more help we simply teach the lesson again in a different way without judgment or ridicule until they "get it". This enables your child to become a "confident, independent learner."

Will a private one-on-one tutor work?

Unfortunately, in most cases a private tutor is a temporary fix for a long term problem. Private tutors only help children "survive” tonight's homework, but they don't address underlying issues. In most cases, private tutoring is not going to be a meaningful long term solution. Our primary role as a learning center is to uncover and directly address gaps in students' knowledge that are the underlying causes of their current difficulties in school. Since math is a cumulative subject, it is extremely important to make sure that students have mastery of prerequisite knowledge from previous grades if they are going to have success in their current grade and beyond. 

How is Math Lab Singapore different?

Great Question! The very first thing we do is give your child a skills assessment. We give them both a written and oral assessment so that we can get a deep understanding of not only what they know, but how they think! We sit down with them, put them at ease, and give them an assessment that doesn't feel too easy or too hard. Most importantly, we find out HOW THEY LEARN! Then we build their trust by giving them a few ideas and strategies that they can use immediately. We then build a customized learning plan that targets skill gaps and quickly shows them success. In many cases "success" in math is something they have been craving!

Why is confidence in math important?

It's not just important: It's critical! Kids need to see that they can do the work so that they can feel confident! This fresh, new confidence will spill over to many other areas of your child's life. At this point you will start to see peace at home! You won't be having to fight with them to do homework. Not only will they have the confidence and the skills to attack it but they'll start bringing home better grades from school. How do we know this? Because we have seen it over and over again with hundreds of our students!

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